For Advertisers
- NEPTAC will post employment opportunities on our website for any facilities that hold an active clinical education contract with one of the NEPTAC member schools.
- The posting of employment opportunities will be limited to the Northeast region of the country.
- To make a request for posting an advertisement, please e-mail the ACCE of the program with which your facility holds a contract and provide the following information:
- Name and address of facility.
- Description of the position.
- Instructions on how to apply for the position.
- Advertisements will remain on the website for 60 days after the initial post is made. A new request must be made to the ACCE for each additional 60 day period that the facility would like the advertisement posted for. If a facility would like the advertisement removed prior to the end of the 60 day period, the facility should e-mail the ACCE at the college to make this request.